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M-asterful, disciplined award winning Artist and Storyteller 

I-nnovative visionary 

C- reator of multi content and platforms 

H-umble inspiring human 

E- mbodiment of love and light 

L-ife Learner 

E-xceptional Educator to many, young and old is super grateful to be a part of this amazing journey! 


Michele strives to inspire others to their excellence by being a fearless beacon of light and positivity. She is a life-learner and an innovative visionary who is very passionate about her work and feels amazingly blessed for all the gifts and talents God has given her.


Literally taking the world on by storm one cold late winter's night, Michele made it clear through her early ascension that she was ready to fulfill her life's journey on planet earth. It was around 9 months when she began to discover it! After disappearing from her crib and traveling down a flight of stairs, her grandmother found her quietly sitting d inquisitively observing the adults underneath a card table. As she grew older, Michele became even more intrigued by others and the world, thus sparking her creative senses deepen. In quiet private moments, Michele began to write stories, poetry and songs, and even drew pictures and painted on canvas. As one of six children, an audience to perform her many comedic or dramatic skits for, was easily found. Even now, when not on a professional gig, you can spot her acting out a dramedy or two for co-workers, friends or family. Michele has been often described as someone who stands apart from her peers and is a powerful determined spirit and a ray of positive light that honesty shines from within. She is genuinely sweet, humble and gracious, and has a purposeful focus and persistent drive!


In 2014, she transformed to CEO of Michele Baldwin Ent out of the need to own her artistic craft, not just as an Actor/Producer but as a Production company that creates and/or produces new independent works in the mediums of film, tv, theater and other digital platforms, as well as to encourage her peers to, “do their own damn” projects.  As a creator of content, Michele seeks to not just make "movies," or tell simple stories, but rather to be a creator of compelling, more deeply aligned stories that speak to the true human diaspora, exploring the multi-faceted emotions that we endure. Just as the character's she writes, Michele enjoys portraying generally strong, opinionated, witty, and inspiring women. 


Michele has earned considerable IMDB credits in varying roles in TV and Film, has graced numerous NY City theaters; Cherry Lane, MST, Second Stage Theatre, 59E59, EST.  She is a student of the Einhorn School of Performing Arts and Tom Todoroff Studios. Member: SAG-AFTRA, NYWIFT, Women in Media, Women in Entertainment, Women Independent Producers, Women of Color Unite, The Gotham (IFP),, Off-Broadway Alliance, Newark Arts & Media Business Hub, Frank Silvera’s Writer's Workshop, NEC and has worked with an a array of theater companies; Black Spectrum Theater, WTP, NFT, AGM Theater and others.  Judge NJ Thespians Contest.


With great passion and love for the arts, find more about her:



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©Michele Baldwin 2014

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